Your company updated it's design guides? Change the design of your presentation with the click of a button. strives for presentations being compatible with all presentation designs.
This goal cannot always be achieved (the font size of a design might be too big for your text, etc.). But tries to make it easy to create designs that are compatible with each other.
So, when you create your own designs—either for yourself or to be used by everyone in your company— makes it easy for you to create designs that are compatible with each other.
Want to try and quickly create great presentations using Markdown? Get it here:
Other Reasons to use
Focus on writing the content of your presentation as a single, mostly-text document. Most slides will look OK already, and you can fine-tune later.
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Want to fine-tune your presentation? Layout images, slide backgrounds, change colors, etc... by adding "options" to your markdown document.
Learn more... options can be used for more than just layout: Animate bullet-points and other parts of the presentation to reveal them while you are talking.
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Since presentations are text files, you can use your favourite collaboration tools like `git`, `mercurial`, github, gitlab, ... to share presentations and to work together.
Learn more... has a fully-featured presenter screen including a preview of the current and next slide, your speaker notes, a presentation timer and more...
Learn more... aims to render presentations so that designs are interchangable: Change the design of your presentation and it will still work—and often still look good.
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